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5 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

I will probably QUIT as a BLOGGER and Start Making Videos.
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Shariful Islam

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Video Marketing

I will probably QUIT as a BLOGGER and Start Making Videos.

…even if I write blogs, that would be my side hustle…I’m considering this.

Videos….Videos….and VIDEOS…Whatever you scroll, most of the time you keep on scrolling through videos now, whether it’s on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Tiktok. I’ve seen most of my friends take pictures and guess what…they pile them up together and turn them into slideshow-like videos.

In fact, companies are hiring more and more video experts, making contracts with video agencies a LOT….like A LOT. According to a Wyzowl survey, 90% of marketers said that they get more traffic through video content.

It seems in 2024, video marketing is taking a new turn and the growth is stunningly going to the peak. If you’re running a business, small or big, you should know about the video marketing trends to watch in 2024. Let’s shed some light.

Video Marketing Trends for EVERY BUSINESS

Almost every business will need these 4 video marketing strategies. Keep reading.

1. Long Videos Are Boring… Go Short

Forget "trends," short-form video is basically mandatory in 2024. Remember when TikTok blew up in 2016? Nobody knew it would change how we watch stuff. Fast forward to 2022, it's the most downloaded app ever, and everyone's scrambling to keep up. YouTube's got Shorts, Instagram's got Reels – you get the picture.

Marketers are already all over this, using short-form videos to create brand-new ways to reach people. But these platforms are still figuring out how to show ads, so keep an eye on how things develop this year.

Short-form video went from a "what's this?" moment to the talk of the town. Now, there's a good chance your customers only watch short-form content. So, when you're planning your campaigns this year, make sure short-form video has a starring role! Almost everyone's on social media these days – that's like 4.95 billion people worldwide, which is crazy! [Stat can be softened a bit]. That means your target audience is definitely out there, you just gotta find them.

Here's the thing: short-form video content on social media is like the golden key to unlocking brand awareness. It's exploded in popularity, and that's not changing in 2024. So, if you want to reach more people, this is the way to go!’

2. Real People In, Actors Out

Remember those days where big celebs and actors would advertise a product and everyone would drool over it? Well, that has changed now. People are more into reviews done by ‘common people.’

Because everyone knows that actors and influencers are advertising a product for money. To build trust, you need real people who will talk about your product; free of cost.

3. Why’s the Silence So Loud?

In 2017, 85% of Facebook videos were watched without sound, and guess what? Silent video is making a HUGE comeback!

People are consuming tons of social media content with the volume off – think sneaking peeks at Reels during a meeting, waiting in line, or even cuddling up next to someone who's snoozing. No earbuds are required!

Since silent viewing is the new normal, it's no surprise silent video marketing is taking off. The best part? There are tons of tools to make your silent videos sing (well, maybe not sing, but definitely deliver their message clearly).

We're talking crystal-clear captions that keep viewers informed, even without sound. Plus, AI is jumping in to help, making it easier than ever for marketing teams (even those without video editing expertise) to create awesome silent content. Silent videos are here to stay, and that perfectly sets the stage for our next big video marketing trend.

 4. Making Th

Tech took a hit last year, with tons of layoffs and tightened marketing belts. That means "thrifty" is the new buzzword in video marketing for 2024.

Warren, the marketing guru, also mentioned "doing more with less" as a major trend this year, especially as tech companies bounce back from a rough 2023.

The good news? Fancy video editing skills are no longer a must-have. There are tons of AI editing tools and user-friendly video ad platforms out there to help you create awesome content, even if you're a video newbie. Companies like Vimeo are even rolling out AI caption generators and transcript-based editors to make editing a breeze.

Don't get me wrong, a great video producer and a sizeable budget are still the dream team. But in 2024, the key is just getting your video marketing out there, even if it's on a budget.

Want to explore how AI can supercharge your video marketing (and other areas)? Check out our free "AI in Video Marketing" guide! It's packed with tips and tricks.

Try These, If You Own A SAAS Business

Right now, SAAS businesses are trendy. If you’re running a SAAS business, you need to think from a different angle. Here are 4 major video marketing trends you need to follow.

1. Demo/Explainer Video

Did you know 96% of people have watched a video to understand a product better?

Here's the magic of demo videos: they take those complicated software features and turn them into something clear and easy to grasp. Forget lengthy text descriptions – a well-crafted video can showcase everything your software can do in just a few minutes. No more forcing your audience to wade through paragraphs (they won't do it anyway!).

These videos are especially powerful for industries like healthcare, finance, or law, where things can get a bit technical. A clear demo can break down complex concepts and make them understandable for everyone.

The key? Keep it short and sweet! Videos under 2 minutes get the most love. Focus on the challenges your audience faces and highlight the features that solve those problems. Remember, it's all about them!

Want to take it a step further? Create multiple demo videos, each focusing on specific features or functionalities. This lets viewers choose what's most relevant to them. Plus, you can embed these gems directly on your product pages to make the buying experience even smoother.

So, ditch the text overload and let your software shine with awesome demo videos! They'll be thanking you later.

2. Testimonial Videos

People want to see how your SaaS product actually helps real companies, not just hear you brag about it. That's where case studies and testimonial videos come in. They show the power of storytelling combined with the magic of video to create an engaging experience.

Think about it: someone watches a video and sees how your product helped a company just like theirs overcome a similar challenge – that's powerful! Conversion rates go up, everyone wins.

Here's the recipe for a killer case study or testimonial video:

- Tell a story: Make it a "before and after" situation. Show viewers the struggle, then how your product swooped in and saved the day.

- Keep it short and sweet: Attention spans are short, so get to the point quickly.

- Numbers don't lie: Back up your claims with real results! Use specific metrics to showcase the impact your product had.

- Visuals are key: Add text or graphics to highlight important points. This keeps viewers engaged and makes the information clear.

- Choose wisely: Pick case studies that resonate with your target audience. People want to hear stories from folks they can relate to, so highlight pain points that your ideal customer faces.

By following these tips, you can create compelling case study and testimonial videos that will convert viewers into loyal customers. Let the success stories roll!

3. Webinars

Looking to connect with potential customers and show off your SaaS knowledge in a big way? Webinars and live Q&A sessions are your golden ticket! These events are a fantastic way to chat directly with your audience, answer their burning questions, and prove your product is the solution to their problems.

Here's how to turn your live video event into a slam dunk:

- Pick a Topic That Sizzles: Choose a webinar theme that's super relevant and interesting to your target audience. Think about the challenges they face and tailor your topic to address those needs.

- Spread the Word: Nobody knows about your awesome event if you don't shout it from the rooftops! Use email marketing, social media, and any other channels you have to promote your webinar and get people signed up.

- Plan It Out: Winging it rarely works. Craft a detailed script or outline for your presentation to keep you on track and ensure you cover all the important points.

- Visual Appeal is Key: Don't bore your audience with a plain screen! Use cool visuals like slide decks or product demos to keep them engaged and focused on your message.

- Get Interactive: This ain't a one-way street! Encourage viewers to ask questions throughout your presentation or during a dedicated Q&A session at the end. The more interactive, the better!

- Show You Care: Don't let the party end after the webinar. Follow up with attendees to thank them for joining and offer additional resources or information about your SaaS product. It's all about building relationships!

4. Interactive Videos

Alright, this isn't your typical video content idea. Let's talk interactive videos – these are like choose-your-own-adventure stories, but for your SaaS product!

Think about Coldplay's music video for "Ink." Viewers pick different objects and paths, changing the entire video. Pretty cool, right?

So, how can this translate to your SaaS marketing videos? Imagine a "how-to" video for a specific feature, but with a twist! Viewers can choose different options and see how the feature works in each case.

This is a golden opportunity for SaaS companies. Why? Because it lets potential customers get a hands-on feel for your product, without ever having to download it. They can experience the value of what you offer before they buy.

Think of it like a test drive for your SaaS product. By exploring different features and seeing how they work in various situations, viewers will walk away with a clear understanding of what your product can do for them. And that, my friend, is a recipe for sales success!

8 Video Marketing Hacks to Make Your B2B SaaS Shine

Ready to take your B2B SaaS video marketing to the next level? Buckle up, because we've got a roadmap to success!

1. Take Stock of Your Videos: Before diving in, it's like cleaning out your closet – do a video content audit! See what worked, what flopped, and what needs a refresh. Look at views, likes, shares, the whole nine yards. This data will help you build a video marketing strategy that's rock solid. (If you haven’t used any video yet for your business, skip this process).

2. Know Your Audience: Golden rule of marketing – know your audience! Who are you trying to reach? What are their pain points? What problems do they need your B2B SaaS to solve? Tailor your videos to their needs, not just a generic pitch.

 3. Focus on the "Why," Not the "What": People don't care about a laundry list of features – they want to know how your product benefits them! Shift your focus to creating videos that showcase the real-world impact your B2B SaaS has. It's all about building trust and showing viewers how your product connects to their needs.

4. Short and Sweet is the Way to Go: Keep your videos concise! Don't overwhelm viewers with information overload. Busy decision-makers need quick and valuable content. Short, sweet, and to the point is the winning formula.

5. Tell Them What to Do Next: End your video with a bang! Tell viewers exactly what to do next, like visiting your website or trying your free trial. Make it clear and simple, so they don't get lost after enjoying your video.

 6. Make Search Engines Your Friend: Just like written content, you can optimize your videos for search engines! Partner with your SEO specialist to find relevant keywords and sprinkle them throughout your video title, description, and alt text.

7. Stay On Brand: Before you hit record, create a brand style guide. This outlines your visual identity, like your logo, colors, and fonts. A consistent brand image across all your marketing materials, including videos, builds trust and makes your B2B SaaS appear professional and reliable.

 8. The Power of Pain-Claim-Gain: We like a framework called "pain-claim-gain" here at Kalungi. This means acknowledging your audience's struggles (the pain), then showcasing how your product solves those problems (the claim), and ultimately, demonstrating the value they'll receive (the gain). This personal approach is a powerful way to connect with potential customers and motivate them to take action.

Keep This In Mind

Whatever video marketing trend you go for, you should make sure you go for some pro work. You can create your own team of video makers and it’s going to be affordable. However, one slight mistake can make a big mess. I would always suggest you to contact an agency that can take all the responsibility of your ‘video stuff’ and you worry about something else.

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