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How to Create Compelling SaaS Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-step guide to creating engaging explainer videos for SaaS products.
Written by

Shariful Islam

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5 min


Video Marketing

Creating an explainer video for your SaaS product can feel really overwhelming. Many people struggle with how to take all the complex features of their software and turn them into a short, engaging video that anyone can understand.

There's a big fear of ending up with a video that doesn't clearly explain the product or, even worse, bores the audience. Plus, the technical side of making videos can be pretty intimidating, leaving many SaaS businesses stuck before they even start.

But don’t worry! This article is here to help. We’re going to break down the whole process of making a great SaaS explainer video into simple, easy-to-follow steps. You'll learn how to identify your audience, write a compelling script, and use the right tools to bring your video to life.

By the end of this guide, you'll know exactly what makes an explainer video work and have some handy tips you can start using right away.

Follow These Steps to Create Your SAAS Explainer Video

Step 1: Define Your Objective

First things first, you need to figure out why you're making this explainer video. What's the goal? Are you trying to introduce something new, break down a complicated thing, get more people to your website, or turn viewers into paying customers? Knowing exactly what you want to achieve is like having a roadmap for your video. It keeps everything on track and makes sure your message hits the mark.

Step 2: Understand Your Target Audience

So, who are you trying to reach with this video? It’s super important to know your audience inside and out. You need to understand what makes them tick, what problems they have, and what they like. Once you know who you’re talking to, you can tailor your video to speak directly to them. That’s how you make a video that really connects.

Step 3: Craft a Killer Script

Okay, so we've got the visuals sorted, now it's time to write the story. A great script is like the backbone of your explainer video. It's what's gonna keep your audience hooked.

  • Introduction: First off, you need a bangin' intro. Grab their attention right away! Think about something that'll make them go, "Whoa, really?" Maybe a surprising fact, a relatable problem, or even a cheeky question.
  • Problem Statement: Let's talk about the problem. What's bugging your audience? Really get into their shoes and understand their pain points. The more you show you get it, the more they'll trust you.
  • Solution here comes the hero: your product. Introduce it as the ultimate solution to their problem. Don’t just list features, show how they solve their issues. Highlight the cool stuff that sets you apart from the crowd.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Lastly, give them a clear path forward. What do you want them to do next? Sign up? Visit your website? Whatever it is, make it clear and compelling.

Remember, keep it conversational. Talk to your audience like you're hanging out, not giving a lecture.

Step 4: Focus on Visual Storytelling

Visuals are your secret weapon! They're like the cool sidekick to your awesome script. Use 'em to make things super clear and interesting.

First off, simplify things. If your idea is as complex as a Rubik's cube, break it down with visuals. Icons, diagrams, and animations are your new best friends.

Keep it short and sweet. No one likes a long, boring story. Get to the point, and keep your video snappy. Aim for around a minute to a minute and a half.

Last but not least, stay on brand. Your video should scream your company's name. Use the same colors, fonts, and overall vibe as the rest of your stuff. It helps people recognize you and trust you.

Step 5: Choose the Right Style

The style of your explainer video should match your brand personality and the message you want to convey. Here are some popular styles to consider:

  • Animated Explainer Videos: These are great for breaking down complex concepts and adding a fun, engaging element to your video. They can include 2D or 3D animations, motion graphics, and character animations.
  • Live-Action Videos: These involve real people and real settings, which can add a personal touch and build trust. They’re ideal for showcasing product demonstrations or customer testimonials.
  • 2D Explainer Videos: Simple yet effective, 2D animations offer a clean and modern look. Ideal for conveying complex information in a digestible format, they are cost-effective and widely adaptable.
  • Motion Graphics Explainer Videos: Dynamic and visually striking, motion graphics utilize text, shapes, and icons to create engaging animations. Perfect for highlighting key data or processes, they offer a contemporary and energetic feel.
  • Live Action: This classic style can range from simple product demonstrations to elaborate scripted scenarios. It’s excellent for building trust and credibility, especially when featuring customer testimonials or expert interviews.
  • Mixed Media: Seamlessly blending animation and live-action elements, mixed media videos create dynamic and visually rich narratives. This style is perfect for adding depth and dimension to your story.
  • 2.5D: Blending 2D animation with 3D elements, 2.5D creates a sense of depth and realism while maintaining a stylized look. Ideal for adding visual interest to your explainer video without the high cost of full 3D animation.

Step 6: Sound Matters… Let It Shout

Audio plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall impact of your explainer video. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Voiceover: A professional voiceover can add a lot of value to your video. Choose a voice that matches your brand’s tone and style. The voiceover should be clear, engaging, and easy to understand.
  • Background Music: Use background music to set the mood and keep the audience engaged. Make sure it complements the visuals and doesn’t overpower the voiceover.
  • Sound Effects: Subtle sound effects can enhance certain actions or elements in your video, making it more dynamic and engaging.

Step 7: Produce the Video

With your script, visuals, and audio elements ready, it’s time to produce the video. You can either do this in-house or hire a professional video production company. Here’s what the production process typically involves:

  • Storyboarding: Create a storyboard to plan out each scene of your video. This will serve as a visual guide and ensure that your team is on the same page.
  • Animation or Filming: Depending on the style you’ve chosen, animate the scenes or film the live-action footage. Pay attention to details like lighting, camera angles, and smooth transitions.
  • Editing: Edit the footage to create a cohesive and polished final product. This involves cutting unnecessary scenes, adding visual effects, syncing audio, and ensuring a smooth flow.

Step 8: Test and Refine

Before you launch your explainer video, it’s important to test it with a small audience to gather feedback. Here are some ways to refine your video:

  • Get Feedback: Share the video with a select group of people, such as your team or a focus group, and ask for their feedback. Pay attention to their reactions and suggestions for improvement.
  • Analyze Performance: Once the video is live, track its performance using analytics tools. Monitor metrics like views, engagement, and conversion rates to see how well it’s resonating with your audience.
  • Make Adjustments: Based on the feedback and performance data, make any necessary adjustments to improve the video. This could involve tweaking the script, visuals, or audio elements.

Step 9: Promote Your Video

Creating a great explainer video is only half the battle; you also need to promote it effectively to reach your target audience. Here are some promotion strategies:

  • Website: Embed the video on your homepage, product pages, and landing pages to increase visibility and engagement.
  • Email Marketing: Include the video in your email newsletters and campaigns to engage your subscribers and drive traffic to your website.
  • Social Media: Share the video on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Use paid ads to boost its reach and target specific audiences.
  • YouTube and Vimeo: Upload the video to video-sharing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo to increase its discoverability and reach a wider audience.
  • Webinars and Events: Incorporate the video into your webinars, presentations, and events to educate and engage your audience.

Step 10: Measure Success

Finally, it’s important to measure the success of your explainer video to see if it’s achieving your objectives. Here are some key metrics to track:

  • View Count: First up, views. How many people watched your video? This gives you a general idea of its popularity.
  • Engagement Rate: This tells you how many people stuck around to watch the whole thing. A high number means they were hooked!
  • Conversion Rate: This is where the magic happens. Did people actually do what you wanted them to? Sign up, buy something, whatever. That's the real win!
  • Comments and Feedback: Positive vibes mean you're on the right track. If people are complaining, it's a chance to improve.

If you want to know more about measuring the metrics, you might want to check this blog out.

Let Vidiosa Help You

Crafting an awesome explainer video isn't just about being creative – it's about being smart too. You gotta plan it out, pay attention to every little detail, and make sure it's super engaging. That's where we come in.

Vidiosa is all about creating explainer videos that wow people. We've helped tons of SaaS companies just like yours make a splash. 

Let’s get that ROI you’ve been expecting for your business. Check out our pricing and let's make something incredible together.

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