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AI in Video Marketing, Utilize AI to Create Videos.

Let's face it, videos are everywhere these days. They're the lifeblood of social media, the secret weapon of explainers, and pretty much the coolest way to tell a story online. No wonder SAAS founders are diving into video marketing – it works
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Shariful Islam

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Video Marketing

Let's face it, videos are everywhere these days. They're the lifeblood of social media, the secret weapon of explainers, and pretty much the coolest way to tell a story online. No wonder SAAS founders are diving into video marketing – it works! 

However, sometimes, along with other ‘expensive’ projects, you would want to go for some video projects that would save you money, and get completed in a faster pace.

That’s where AI comes into play. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to revolutionize the way you create and share video content. 

We're talking smarter editing, deeper audience connections, and a whole lot more. So, stay tuned as we explore the fascinating world of AI-powered video marketing and how it's taking brand storytelling to a whole new level!

What is AI-powered Video Marketing

AI video is all about using artificial intelligence to create, analyze, and fine-tune video content for marketing. This involves using different AI tools, like machine learning to automate tasks and computer vision to understand video data. 

With AI, marketers can make videos faster, target the right audience, and deliver more personalized content.

Imagine video editing taking way less time! That's what AI brings to the table for video marketing. It's like having a super-powered assistant for your videos.

Here's the magic: AI can automatically edit your footage, picking the best parts and zipping them together. No more combing through hours of film. Plus, it can even write you a script or storyboard based on what you want to get across.

But AI doesn't stop at creation. It can also analyze how people watch your videos. Think of it like having a real-time focus group. 

AI can see what parts people love and what makes them click away. This helps you understand what works and what needs tweaking to keep viewers hooked.

The coolest part? AI can personalize your videos on autopilot! Imagine showing a thousand different versions, each with a special message for a specific person. That's the power of AI – it helps you create high-quality, personalized videos that grab attention and get results, all without breaking a sweat.

Benefits of Using AI in Video Marketing

Let’s talk about the major benefits of AI in video marketing.

Autopiloting Video Creation

Ever feel like creating awesome marketing videos takes forever? Filming, editing, captions, voiceover – it's a whole thing! Well, AI is here to be your superhero and slash through that production time.

Imagine this: you have a hot new product launch and need a killer video, fast. In the past, you'd hire a whole crew, write a script, film everything, then edit for days. It could take ages! But with AI video tech, it's a whole new ball game.

Here's the magic: AI can analyze your raw footage, find the best parts, and put it all together like a pro-editor on autopilot. No more splicing and dicing for hours! Plus, AI can whip up accurate captions and even generate different voiceover options. Talk about saving time and resources!

So, ditch the editing headaches and focus on what you do best – coming up with killer video ideas. AI will handle the rest, making sure your videos look polished and get your message out there fast!

Increased Efficiency 

AI helps analyze viewer data, so you know exactly what kind of videos resonate. Plus, it can even suggest scripts and edit footage on the fly – talk about a time saver! And here's the coolest part: AI can personalize videos for each viewer, making them feel like you made it just for them. 

No more boring generic stuff – AI keeps viewers hooked by tailoring the experience. Need to free up your team for more creative brainstorming? AI can automate editing and captions, letting them focus on the big picture. 

The bottom line? You get high-quality, targeted videos in record time. So, yeah, AI is basically the secret weapon for video marketing domination. 

You get to create impactful content that gets real results, and that's something to get excited about!

Personalize Everything Easily

It’s a headache to make personalized videos, Even if you make it, it ends up becoming unprofessional and boring. Viewers easily cut off when the content is generic. That’s where AI can help. It’s a powerful tool for creating personalized videos that capture attention and increase sales.

Imagine you run an online store. You want to recommend products to your customers, but with a special touch. Here's where AI shines: it analyzes what people buy, what they browse, and even their preferences. 

Then, it uses this intel to create personalized video recommendations for EACH customer! Think videos with relevant products, cool descriptions, and a story that connects. It's like having a personal shopping assistant in a video!

But personalization gets even better. AI can actually watch how people react to your videos – are they glued to the screen or bouncing out? This real-time feedback helps you understand what works and what flops. 

Think of it as having a mini focus group for every video! With this info, you can improve future videos and keep viewers hooked.

The bottom line? AI lets you automate video creation and personalize content for maximum impact. It's a game-changer for video marketing, and the future looks even crazier with all the cool AI applications on the horizon!

Better Audience Targeting

AI can dig deep into what people are interested in, from demographics like age and location to their online habits. Imagine a sports brand with a new line of running shoes. 

With AI, they can create video ads specifically for people who are into fitness and running. No more showing workout gear to couch potatoes!

By targeting the right audience, your ads are like magnets, pulling in viewers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

This means less wasted ad spend and a much higher chance of people actually buying your stuff. It's a win-win for everyone! So ditch the generic ads and get ready to target your audience with pinpoint accuracy thanks to AI.

The Secret Weapon for Ranking Higher in Search

Traditionally, getting videos to rank well involved a lot of keyword stuffing (think cramming in tons of words search engines like). 

But AI is way smarter than that. It analyzes your videos and creates detailed descriptions, captions, and even transcripts – basically, it tells search engines exactly what your video is all about.

Think of it like having a translator for your videos, making sure search engines understand what you're trying to say. The better they understand, the higher your video climbs in the rankings! 

Plus, AI can see how people react to your videos – are they watching all the way through or clicking away? This info helps you improve your content and keep viewers engaged, which is another big SEO plus.

So, ditch the keyword overload and let AI do the talking (or rather, writing) for your videos. With AI by your side, you'll be ranking higher in no time and attracting a ton of organic traffic!

How to Utilize AI In Your Video Marketing Process

AI is transforming video marketing, making it faster, smarter, and more effective. Here's how you can leverage AI throughout your video creation process:

1. Ideation with AI Spark

  • Breakthrough Brainstorming: Stuck in a creative rut? Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, or Copilot can help. Simply describe your product or service, and they can come up with video ideas, storylines, or even titles for you.

2. Scriptwriting with AI Assistance

  • Craft Captivating Scripts: AI writing assistants like Jasper.ai, Rytr, or even free tools like Google Docs with explore functionality can help you write engaging scripts. 
  • Provide a summary of your video's concept and target audience, and the AI can help generate drafts, suggest dialogues, or craft intros and outros.

3. AI-Powered Production and Promotion

Content Creation with a Boost:

  • Storyboarding in a Flash: Some AI video editing platforms use storyboarding templates. Describe your video scene by scene, and the AI might generate a basic storyboard to visualize your concept.
  • Effortless Editing: AI video editing tools are emerging that can automate tasks like cutting out dead space, adding transitions, or stabilizing shaky footage. This frees you up for the creative aspects.

Smarter Distribution Strategies:

  • Personalized Targeting: AI can analyze audience data and suggest the best platforms and times to distribute your video. This ensures your message reaches the right people at the right moment.
  • Automated Captions and Translations: AI can generate captions and even translate your video into different languages, expanding your reach to a global audience.

Here's a quick guideline to remember:

  1. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your video? Brand awareness, lead generation, or sales?
  2. Know your audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding their demographics and preferences is crucial.
  3. Choose the right AI tool: There are many AI video marketing tools available, so research and pick one that suits your needs and budget.
  4. Maintain creative control: While AI can be a valuable asset, never relinquish complete control. Use it to enhance your creativity, not replace it.
  5. Analyze and iterate: Track your video's performance and use AI analytics to understand what resonates with your audience. This helps you refine your future video marketing strategies.

Step-by-step guide on how you can use AI to create engaging videos

AI is transforming video marketing, making it faster, smarter, and more impactful. But how do you use it effectively without becoming its puppet? Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started, along with some tips to ensure your videos shine:

Step 1: Define Your Mission

Before diving into AI tools, chart your course. What's your video's goal? Brand awareness? Driving sales? Knowing your "why" helps you choose the right AI companion.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

Who are you trying to connect with? Understanding your target audience's demographics and preferences is crucial for crafting videos that resonate.

Step 3: Find Your AI Tool

There's a whole arsenal of AI video marketing tools out there. Research and pick one that fits your needs and budget. Here are some popular options.

  • Ideation Instigators:InVideo & Lumen5 can transform blog posts into video scripts with visuals and music suggestions.
  • Scriptwriting Sidekicks:Writesonic & ShortlyAI go beyond basic prompts, analyzing your audience to craft scripts with the perfect tone and style.
  • Production Powerhouses:Synthesia & D-Cube Video let you create realistic talking-head videos using text prompts.

Step 4: Leverage, Don't Surrender

Remember, AI is your collaborator, not your replacement.

  • Ideation: Use AI to spark ideas, then refine them with your unique creative touch.
  • Scriptwriting: Let AI craft a draft, then personalize it with your voice and brand message.
  • Production: Utilize AI for editing tasks, but maintain creative control over the final product.

Step 5: Humanize and Refine

AI outputs are a starting point, not the finish line.

  • Quality Check: Ensure the AI-generated content aligns with your brand voice and message.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Infuse the video with human emotions that AI can't replicate – humor, empathy, or inspiration.
  • Cultural Context: Adapt the video to resonate with your target audience's cultural references.

Step 6: Analyze and Adapt

Track your video's performance and use analytics to see what clicks with your audience. This knowledge informs future AI collaborations to create even better videos.

Remember: AI is a powerful tool, but it doesn't replace human creativity. By using AI strategically and adding your human touch, you can create high-impact video marketing campaigns that truly connect with your audience.

Here is a list of AI video creation tool

If you want to grab some AI video creation tools, you can try these. 

  1. Colossyan AI

Colossyan is an AI video production platform that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. Here's a quick rundown of what Colossyan can do:

  • Generate videos from text: Just provide a script or text document (like a PDF or PPT), and Colossyan will use AI to create a video with an AI avatar presenting the information.
  • Choose from diverse AI avatars: Colossyan offers a variety of AI avatars with different appearances, voices, and accents to suit your video's tone and style. You can even create custom avatars.
  • Text-to-speech in multiple languages: Colossyan can translate your script and generate the video in multiple languages, making it useful for international audiences.

Here is a tutorial video on how to use Colossyan AI to create videos:

           2.HeyGen AI

HeyGen AI is another player in the AI video creation game, much like Colossyan we discussed earlier. Here's the gist of what HeyGen offers:

  • Turn scripts into talking videos: Similar to Colossyan, you provide a script and HeyGen uses AI to create a video with an AI avatar that speaks your script.
  • Choose from customizable avatars: HeyGen boasts a collection of AI avatars you can pick from, and even lets you upload your own pictures to create a talking version of yourself!
  • Focus on social media content: HeyGen seems particularly geared towards creating quick and engaging videos for social media platforms.

If you're looking to jump into the world of AI-powered video creation, both HeyGen and Colossyan offer strong options. They each have their strengths - Colossyan might be a good fit for presentations or training videos, while HeyGen might shine for social media content.

Here is a tutorial video of HeyGen:

              3.DeepBrain AI

They're a frontrunner in the AI video generation game. Think of them as a tool that lets you be a video whiz without needing a camera crew or fancy editing skills. Here's what DeepBrain does:

  • Script to video in minutes: Give them a script and they'll use their AI smarts to create a video with realistic AI avatars in just a few minutes.
  • Easy for anyone to use: Their platform is designed to be user-friendly, so even beginners can create professional-looking videos.
  • Focus on affordability: They even offer a free plan to get you started, making it a great option for budget-conscious creators.

DeepBrain seems like a solid choice if you're looking for a fast, easy, and affordable way to create high-quality videos with AI avatars. Have you tried their AI studio yet?

👉DeepBrain Tutorial paly list.👈

But for now here is a short tutorial demonstrating what you can do with DeepBrain:


My personal favourite, It is the most user-friendly software with everything you need in hand. You can use it with variety of purpose, From making SaaS video to standing out a cashcow YT channel using faceless youtube channel. 

Who is it perfect for?
InVideo is perfect for content creators, businesses, and educators. It offers AI text-to-video, customizable templates, and a vast media library for efficient, professional video creation. Ideal for social media, promotional content, and educational materials.

The key features and benefits:

  • Text-to-Video transformation in minutes: You can effortlessly turn your ideas into videos without requiring professional editing skills. Simply input the necessary text, and create a customizable template, or choose a readymade one that matches your content and submit it to generate a video, BOOM!. This feature saves you a lot of time, making video creation quick and easy.
  • AI enhancements and customization: It gives you access to over 5000 templates and integrates lifelike animations and voiceovers to add a professional touch, making your videos more engaging.
  • Global reach and collaboration: Easily translate your videos into over 50 languages, and make them accessible to a wider audience. Collaborate with your team in real-time, and improve productivity and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive media library: It gives you access to a vast library of over 16 million stock media assets, including images, videos, and music. This ensures your content is diverse and high-quality, enriching your video production.

Here is a tutorial on how you can use In video to make professional-looking videos:


Who is it for?
Typeframes is designed for businesses, marketers, content creators, and anyone needing high-quality videos without complex editing skills.

Why is it the best?
Typeframes excels with its intuitive interface and AI capabilities, making video creation accessible and efficient for all users.

Features and Benefits:

  • Effortlessly create High-quality videos for your business: you can easily create unique videos tailored to your brand with Typeframes. It offers customizable templates, AI-generated animations, and social media integration, making video production quick and efficient for all users.
  • Saves your time: Typeframes saves time by producing high-quality videos quickly, making the process efficient and engaging for users. Perfect for businesses, marketers, and content creators seeking professional results with ease.

Here is an example of a video you can create with timeframes:


It’s a web-based platform that allows you to create professional-looking videos with AI-powered avatars.

Think of it as a tool that lets you create videos without needing actors, a camera crew, or even a fancy editing suite. Here's the gist of what Synthesia can do:

  • Script to video: Just provide a script and Synthesia will use its AI magic to generate a video with a realistic AI avatar delivering your message.
  • Variety of avatars: You can choose from a diverse cast of avatars to match the tone and style of your video, whether you need someone serious, funny, or somewhere in between.
  • Multilingual capabilities: Synthesia can translate your script and generate the video in multiple languages, making it a great option for reaching a global audience.
  • Easy editing tools: They even have built-in editing tools so you can fine-tune your video and make it perfect.

Here is a tutorial on Synthesia AI:

How to Implement AI in Video Marketing

Here are some know-how on how you can implement AI in video marketing

1. Map Out Your Video Game Plan:

  • What's the video's mission? Do you want to spread brand awareness, snag leads, or boost sales?
  • Who's your video VIP? Get to know your ideal viewer - their age, interests, and what they browse online.

2. Find Your AI Video Sidekick:

  • There are tons of AI video tools out there - Pictory, Lumen5, Synthesia, just to name a few.
  • Scout around and pick a tool that fits your style (like text-to-video or explainer animations) and budget.

3. Craft Your Video with a Little AI Help:

  • Stuck on the script? Some AI tools can give you ideas or even write one based on your product description.
  • Storyboard Struggles? AI can help create a basic storyboard to map out your video's flow.

4. Let AI Be Your Video Editing Guru:

  • Text-to-Video Magic: Imagine turning your script into a video with cool stock footage, music, and a voiceover - all thanks to AI!
  • Smart Editing Perks: AI can automatically edit your video, trimming out awkward pauses and suggesting smooth transitions.

5. Make it Personal with AI:

  • AI can personalize your video for each viewer based on what they've watched before. Spooky, right? (In a good way!)
  • A/B Test Like a Champ: Use AI to test different parts of your video (headlines, thumbnails) and see what works best.

6. Get Feedback from Your AI Analytics Assistant:

  • AI analytics tools can tell you how long people watch, where they click away, and basically everything you need to know about how your video is performing.
  • Use this intel to understand what resonates with your audience and keep making even better videos!

Remember,  Human Touch Is Still Important

While AI is cool, there are some things it just can't do yet (and some things people might not be wild about).

First, there's the trust factor. AI is new, and some folks are wary. Plus, AI-generated content can sometimes come off as, well, artificial – even creepy! But here's the thing we can't forget: the human touch.

Humans bring something special to the creative process that AI just can't replicate – yet, at least. Here's why:

  • Pure Creativity: Our brains aren't like computers going from A to B. We draw on experiences, emotions (we'll get to those!), and cultural references to spark ideas. AI isn't there yet.
  • Emotions Rule the World: We've talked about how emotions are key in marketing, and AI still struggles to create content that tugs at the heartstrings or influences decisions the way humans can.
  • The Power of Funny: AI might understand a joke, but it can't write one that tickles our funny bone the same way. Humor is subjective, and AI just doesn't get it (P.S. laughter is an emotion, no arguing!).

If you want to take your video marketing to a new height, with the power of AI and veteran human creatives, you can contact Vidiosa.

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