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Why Your SaaS Business Needs Explainer Videos

Stuck thinking explainer videos are just for showing off complex products? Buckle up, because they're way more powerful than that.
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Shariful Islam

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Stuck thinking explainer videos are just for showing off complex products? Buckle up, because they're way more powerful than that.

Top SaaS brands are using these videos not just to explain their products clearly (which they totally do in under a minute!), but also to:

  • Make onboarding a breeze for new users.
  • Train their employees to become product ninjas.
  • Answer those burning questions users always have.

And all that in 60 seconds flat!  Pretty amazing how they can break down complexity into bite-sized, helpful chunks, right?

But that's not all! There's a whole lot more to these explainer videos, and how they can seriously improve your user experience.  Head down to the article below to see some key uses and real-life examples

Why Your SaaS Business Needs Explainer Videos Now

The reasons you need explainer videos for your SAAS business are many. We’ve talked about the major ones here. 

You’re Getting a Boost in Marketing ROI

Videos are like magic for marketing – 88% of marketers saw a big return on investment from using them.

Think about it: cool animated explainer videos with engaging characters and graphics can grab your target audience's attention in seconds. Here's a fun fact: a whopping 58% of B2B buyers say explainer videos are super helpful for learning about new products.

There are tons of animation styles to choose from, depending on your goals. Need a quick boost in signups? Try a snazzy animated commercial. Want to show off all the features? A detailed walkthrough video might be perfect. The options are endless!

Strong Brand Awareness

The SaaS world is kinda crowded these days, right? Everyone's got their thing, and most have a core group of fans waiting to pounce on the next new product.

That's why it's SO important to get your message out there – the "why" and "what" of your awesome product and company. Here's how Freshworks crushed it with a quick explainer video – see how they built brand awareness and showed off their product's magic? 

Look, in the SaaS game, you gotta stand out. Your video needs to be memorable. Grat explainer videos will create strong brand awareness, get inside your users’ minds and provoke them to purchase from you. How? Well, the visual storytelling about your product does the job here. It grabs attention, talks about your business and its products, their benefits and hooks users.

Balancing Customer Acquisition and Retention

Balancing customer acquisition and retention is the holy grail for SAAS companies.

Explainer videos are like magic for both. They can help you reach a global audience and show how you solve problems people might not even know they have. But hold on, there's more!

Keeping users happy and sticking around is a constant battle in the SaaS world (churn rate keeps CEOs up at night!). That's where dedicated onboarding videos come in – they help users get the most out of your platform, remind them why you're awesome, and keep them coming back for more.

See how Clickup absolutely nails it with their walkthrough video? It's a win-win for both attracting new users and keeping existing ones happy.

Explain Complex Concepts in a Simple Way

SaaS products often involve intricate functionalities and technical jargon. Trying to explain these through text-heavy website copy can be overwhelming and off-putting for potential customers.  Explainer videos excel at simplifying complex concepts. 

By using clear visuals, metaphors, and a conversational tone, you can break down your product's features into easily digestible chunks. Imagine a video that demonstrates your software's workflow through an engaging animation, making it crystal clear how it solves the user's problem. This not only educates potential customers but also builds trust and confidence in your offering.

Most importantly, when things become easy to understand, potential customers will always convert to customers. 

Showcase the Value Proposition of Your SaaS Product

Your explainer video is basically a golden microphone for you to shout about the incredible things your SaaS product can do. What's that pesky problem it eliminates? How does it transform your customers' lives from frustrating to fantastic?  What are the key benefits they can expect to reap like a whirlwind?

Explainer videos are like super-powered communication tools. They let you answer these questions in a way that's both captivating and clear-cut.  Think of it as showcasing real-life scenarios where your product swoops in and saves the day. 

You can even highlight success stories from existing customers, like testimonials with a touch of magic. 

Plus, by quantifying the positive impact your product has – think numbers and data with a bit of pizazz – you position your SaaS offering as the undisputed champion against their pain points. This, in turn, gently nudges them towards that all-important call to action – a win-win for everyone involved!

Differentiate Yourself from the Competition

The SaaS market is saturated with similar offerings.  An explainer video is a powerful tool to set your brand apart from the competition.

By weaving storytelling elements and showcasing your unique brand personality into the video, you can create an emotional connection with potential customers. You can also use the format to highlight features that differentiate your product and position yourself as the leader in your niche.

A well-crafted explainer video can leave a lasting impression on viewers, making your brand the one they remember when it comes time to make a purchase decision.

Increase Conversion and Drive Sales

The whole point of marketing is to turn those website visitors into paying customers, and explainer videos are like conversion ninjas.

According to Wyzowl, 79% of people say a video explainer helped them decide to buy something. Why? Because explainer videos hit all the right buttons. 

They address those pain points keeping your customers up at night, showcase how your product is the hero they need, and build trust in your brand like a rock. Plus, they end with a clear call to action, like a friendly nudge to sign up for a free trial or grab that shiny "buy now" button.

By adding an explainer video to your marketing arsenal, you can seriously boost your conversion rates and see that sweet, sweet profit climb. It's a no-brainer

Reduce Customer Support Costs

SaaS products, by their nature, can have a learning curve.  Explainer videos can play a crucial role in reducing the burden on your customer support team.

A well-structured explainer video can serve as a self-service knowledge base. By addressing common questions and demonstrating how to use key features, you can lure in new users to get started with your product independently. 

This not only reduces the number of support tickets but also improves customer satisfaction by providing them with the resources they need to succeed.

Improve Brand Storytelling and Create an Emotional Connection

SaaS marketing often leans heavily on technical specifications and features. While these are important, explainer videos offer the opportunity to go beyond functionality and tell a compelling brand story

By incorporating a narrative into your video, you can connect with viewers on an emotional level. You can showcase the human element behind your brand, highlight your company culture, and demonstrate your passion for solving customer problems. This emotional connection fosters brand loyalty and builds trust, which are essential ingredients for long-term success.

Some Examples of Explainer Videos

You want to have a look at some good explainer videos? Here are some examples.

  1. Extension By Bard

This explainer video is about a new feature of Bard, a Google product, called Extensions. The video explains how Extensions can be used to collaborate and improve information gathering. Specifically, the video talks about how Bard Extensions can connect to other Google apps and pull in information from those apps to help you with your task. For instance, the video mentions using Extensions for things like planning an event, prepping for a presentation, or researching a topic. Overall, the video positions Bard Extensions as a helpful collaborator who can assist you in finding and using information more effectively.

In the context of Google’s video marketing strategy, this video uses a product demonstration to showcase the benefits of Bard Extensions. By explaining how Extensions can improve information gathering and collaboration, the video aims to convince viewers of Bard’s usefulness.

  1. Product Release by Fiverr

This video is an explainer video about a new product release from Fiverr called Fiverr Business Solutions. It details the different features of Fiverr Business Solutions and how it can help businesses find and manage freelance talent.Fiverr used video marketing as a strategy to introduce this new product. The video explains what Fiverr Business Solutions is and the different features it offers, including Fiverr Pro, Fiverr Certified, and Fiverr Enterprise. The video also highlights Fiverr Nia, a new smart matching experience that helps businesses connect with the right.

  1. Hootsuite Introduction

The video focuses on the problems that businesses face with social media management, such as feeling overwhelmed and needing better organization. It then presents Hootsuite as the solution, highlighting its features that address these pain points. Some examples include scheduling posts, tracking performance, and managing content creation.This video uses video marketing strategically by:

  • Creating a relatable problem: Many businesses struggle with managing social media, and the video acknowledges this challenge.
  • Providing a clear solution: Hootsuite is presented as a user-friendly tool that solves these problems and simplifies social media management.
  • Showcasing benefits over features: The video focuses on the positive outcomes businesses will achieve with Hootsuite, such as increased engagement and better content creation.
  • Offering additional resources: Highlighting free courses and articles positions Hootsuite as a helpful partner for businesses looking to succeed on social media.

  1. Spotify: CTA Cards

This video is a product launch explainer video for Spotify's new feature, CTA cards. It explains what CTA cards are, how they work, and the benefits they offer to advertisers.

Here's how Spotify likely used video marketing strategically in this video:

  • Targeting a specific audience: The video is clearly aimed at businesses and advertisers who might be interested in promoting their brands on Spotify podcasts.
  • Focusing on benefits: The video emphasizes the advantages of using CTA cards, such as increased engagement, deeper campaign insights, and reaching listeners who have already shown interest through previous ads.
  • Keeping it concise: The video is likely short and to the point, grabbing viewers' attention quickly and delivering the key information about CTA cards.
  • Using visuals and motion graphics: The video uses animation and visuals to explain the concept of CTA cards in an engaging and informative way.

Want to Make Awesome Videos?

Vidiosa will help you create these type of videos, and even better ones if you’re up for it, Your SAAS business needs that one lift that can take your business to a new height. Reach out to us, let’s discuss how you can get the best ROI from video marketing.

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